Lasting Impact

His tragic death certainly did not quench the impact of his life.  After more than four decades, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words still echo as we pause to celebrate his life and legacy. Each January we commemorate the ways King actively loved God and people by peacefully working for justice and equality. And we remember that we, too, can make a difference in this world.

King lived only 39 years. Some of our own friends and family members may have died younger; others, much older.  How has each one impacted our lives?  Did they live lives we hope to emulate, or did they chose paths we hope to avoid? 

As we remember King this month, and our loved ones throughout the year, we can find healing and help rebuild our lives as we consider their lasting legacy and as we seek to fulfill our own purpose on this earth.

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Write Way to Heal and Rebuild

While there’s not a “right” way to mourn and rebuild, one effective method is to write down our thoughts and feelings. Journaling can be a safe avenue for expressing our anger, admitting our fears, and working through our pain. The act of putting words on paper or on our computer can help us identify and process the various grief responses that may be churning inside us. In black and white, they generally become more manageable and productive.

In addition to helping harness the power of thoughts and feelings, writing can be a means of contemplating our future. We can brainstorm options for rebuilding our life. Does our loss necessitate a job change or move? We can list the possibilities. If we’ve been caring for a loved one, which interests or relationships have we put on hold? Do we want to revisit any past hobbies or endeavors? Which new interests could we pursue? Perhaps we’d like to learn a new language, try oil painting, or run in a 5K.

Another healing strategy is writing a letter to the deceased. Even though we cannot send it to them, the act of conveying any regrets, anger, longing, and other responses to loss can bring healing in our own life.  If our relationship ended with unfinished business, we can apologize for our actions and express forgiveness for wrongs we suffered. In addition, we may find it freeing to share our plans for reinvesting in life, including our hesitations as well as our hopes. Of course, letters also can be a way to thank them for cherished memories and articulate the love that still fills our heart.

Whether we keep our written expressions private; disclose them to someone we trust; or read them to God, the act of writing down our thoughts, feelings, and options for the future can promote healing. Doing so can be a constructive step toward rebuilding our life without our loved one.

Today’s Dose of Comfort

If you have not already done so, consider buying an attractive journal in which to write your thoughts, feelings, and hopes for your future, or start a confidential computer file. Later you may want to share some or all of what you write but, for now, keep it private so you can write freely, without fear of being criticized or misunderstood. If anything you write alarms you, however, or if you feel overwhelmed with emotion or troubling thoughts, reach out to a friend, pastor, or professional counselor. 

Excerpted from Doses of Comfort, available in print and Kindle at

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When Waves of Grief Hit

Not only do we grieve various kinds of losses, but any of those losses may resurface our grief for a loved one who died in the past. For example, moving may trigger our grief for the one who shared that house with us for many years. If our dog dies, we may find ourselves grieving not only the pet, but also the family member who brought him home and cared for him. Even a seemingly unrelated loss may remind us of a loved one we have mourned.

We also can experience waves of grief around holidays and other special occasions. On Mother’s Day weekend, a surge may hit those without a mother and moms who have lost a child. As we anticipate or celebrate family weddings, graduations, and birthdays, we may find ourselves longing for those who are missing. If our relationship included certain activities, such as watching baseball, going fishing, eating out, or shopping together, then grief may strike as we cheer on a home run or visit the mall.

Sometimes waves crash upon us seemingly out of the blue. Several months after our infant son Darren died, I suddenly started to cry when I saw a helicopter. I hadn’t even witnessed the hospital staff airlift my hours-old son to a neonatal unit across town. Still, seeing the helicopter triggered that memory and my longing for him.

Surges of sorrow also may result from hearing another’s story or reading a book about grief, including this one. While conversations about loss may come at inconvenient times, we generally can plan when we will pick up a book. We can benefit from scheduling our reading when we can freely mourn.

Whenever grief hits, rather than trying to avoid or restrain the waves, we can choose to use them to help release our pain. We can allow the waves to help move us through our grief. If wave after wave is knocking us down and we fear drowning in our sorrow, however, it may be time to contact a qualified counselor or grief support group. Help is available.

Today’s Dose of Comfort

If you’re experiencing a wave of grief today, take a few moments to acknowledge your pain and embrace your memories. Then, just as swimmers are encouraged to use the buddy system, reach out to someone to assist you. Also take time to distract yourself from your loss.

Are you approaching a special day or activity? You might benefit from setting aside time to grieve (for further suggestions, see the Holidays and Other Special Days section at the end of this book). Also consider what you can do on that day to focus on loved ones who are still with you. If you suspect that a strong wave may hit you during a social event, prepare ahead of time by rehearsing what you’ll say to others or by writing a note explaining that you were not up for staying. Then, if you feel the need to leave early, hand the note to the hostess or an understanding friend or family member before you go.

Excerpt from Doses of Comfort, available in print and on Kindle at

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Doses of Comfort

During the grief journey, you may find it helpful to schedule in time devoted to acts of mourning. Consider it a “dose” of comfort–a time to intentionally focus your thoughts on your loss, explore your feelings, and work through your grief. During this time you can look at pictures, write in a journal, listen to music, pray, replay memories of your loved one, or simply allow yourself to cry. Choose something that releases some of your pain. Whenever possible, follow your “dose” with a nurturing or relaxing activity, such as taking a walk, meeting a friend for coffee, or escaping into a good book or movie. Taking time for mourning and for self-care promotes healing.

You can find further insights into grief and suggestions for healing in Doses of Comfort, which is now available for $2.99 on Kindle and $5.31 in print at amazon.comEach daily dose includes practical ideas for healing your heart and rebuilding your life after loss. 

front cover doses beach

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Be Nurtured By Nature

During every season of grief, we can experience the nurture of nature. This includes taking time to smell the roses…or wildflowers, and maybe even bringing a bouquet inside. Buds and blossoms can renew our hope that, though our world has changed, life continues. We can relieve stress by taking a walk, soaking in the sights, smells and sounds…looking for beauty that we’ve overlooked before.

We can find joy in seeing hummingbirds and bright Tanagers, and gain strength from watching majestic eagles soar. Each spring brings such a variety of new life. Basking in the warmth of the sun can encourage our hearts, and even the rain can help cleanse our minds. On a clear night, we can regain perspective as we gaze into the heavens.

Throughout our journey, we can find healing through God’s incredible—and nurturing—gift of nature.

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